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With today’s media increasing their online presence, it was only a matter of time until the student media followed the pattern. This year, you have seen The Magdalen launch a website, to connect with students who study off-campus and to mitigate our impact on the environment. Building on the success of the website, we’ve worked closely with the management of the Fibre Media - the digital journalism outlet within the DUSA Media. We’ve decided to merge our outlets to reinforce our online presence and revert the damage the series of lockdowns has caused to our structures.

By combining our resources, equipment, budgets, skilful digital designers and experienced photographers, we will be able to narrow our focus and write more specialised pieces for the website, while maintaining the same high standard of print. With The Magdalen, all genres of writing are covered. Fibre’s most popular work will be moved onto The Magdalen website, and none of our past work will be deleted. Fibre will also be adopted into The Magdalen brand, now just The Magdalen not The Magdalen Magazine, and will become the digital media half of the brand, overseen by Lucy - our Digital Manager. Marcin and Lucy are thrilled to be working together and we know that by combining Fibre and The Magdalen, our outlets will be stronger and will put out the quality content that both our readers and writers deserve.


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